Donate your bottle for clean water

By donating your bottle at Schiphol Airport you help bring save and clean drinking water to people in Ethiopia.

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The situation

Clean water is a fundamental human right and yet 785 million people still lack access to it. Especially in Ethiopia where only one-fourth of the population has access to clean drinking water. Women and girls spent hours per day fetching water. Time that could have been spent on education, work or caring for a family. Even worse, water fetched is often polluted, resulting in serious illness or worse. That's why Amref Flying Doctors and Made Blue are working together for clean water in Ethiopia so women and girls have time for education and can follow their dreams.

Will you help?

Donate your PET bottle to one of the collection bins at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. With one bottle, we will provide 500 litres of clean drinking water in Ethiopia. This will ensure 25 people of clean drinking water for a day.

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